
Account Step 1 of 4

Let's start with the basic information

We strongly recommend that you use your personal email address.

Contact Info

Contact Info Step 2 of 4

How can we contact you?


Security Step 3 of 4

The password must be at least 8 characters in length, contain one uppercase letter, contain one lowercase letter, contain one number and contain one special character.

Length (8):  
Special (i.e. ~`!@#$%^&*_()-+={}[]|\;:<>,./?"):  


Agreement Step 4 of 4

Registration Agreement

Before and After School Online Registration

  • To enroll a child in the Before and After School Program, you must create an account and follow the instructions.
  • Be prepared to complete a registration for each child.
  • Upon submitting a registration, take the printed copy and check, money order, or online payment to the Director or Site Coordinator at your child’s school.
  • Printing directions to follow if needed.
  • If needed, the registration can be saved and submitted later.

Attention: Once submitted, the registration cannot be edited; to make changes contact the Before and After School Director or Site Coordinator at your child’s school.

Technology Requirements

  • Active Email Address
  • Printer
  • IMPORTANT: Confirm the web browser on your computer to ensure software compatibility. The following web browsers are compatible:
    • Chrome (Google) Recommended
    • Firefox (free download)
    • Safari (Mac)
    • Available for use on any mobile device using a web browser

Online Enrollment Criteria:

In order to complete the online enroll form for a Before and After School Program, the child:

1. Must be in grades K through 12 and actively enrolled in a K-12 MPS school; Non-MPS Students can only submit the paper registration forms at this time

2. Is not a danger to themself or others.

3. Must participate in large group activities, remain within the program location, and under adult supervision without running away.

*Parents are responsible for ensuring account balances are current or up to date from previous session(s).

 Registration Agreement Document